Friday, March 3, 2017

Week 4: Event Promotion and Responsibilities

With Convention behind us, NFTY Southwest leadership has a new focus: preparing for the final event of the school year: Spring Kallah. One key aspect of my Senior Project is that it has given me the liberty to take on significantly more responsibility within my region so that I can contribute more time and effort into something that I am incredibly passionate about, and give more insight into what makes our region function.

As the Programming Vice President, one of my main responsibilities is.... programming!  This entails taking time slots during the event which can range from a half hour to upwards of two hours, and writing up an activity for the whole region to participate in.  I have currently written three independent programs, my most prominent being The Tree of Reform Judaism which was presented at Fall Kallah and explored how everyone practices Judaism differently. As of right now, I am responsible for writing two independent programs, however I will be involved in co-writing another one or two with a couple of my peers on regional board.

NFTY-Southwest Participating in my Program at Fall Kallah
However, even before the programs are written, the most important part of an event is having people show up.  Similar to how a business would market a product, it is our responsibility as a board to market regional events as products. The Communications Vice-President is primarily responsible for this, as he is in charge of social media surrounding the event, along with promotions.

While the CVP captains our region's marketing to members and potential members, the Membership Vice President of our region is tasked with getting people to actually show up!  After the early bird registration deadline, the MVP creates a calling list and distributes calls between board members so everyone can actively promote the event, and encourage participants to register.  This direct "product promotion" to our "potential consumers" is essential for reaching our registration goals, and my project has given me further reason to take on a large fraction of these calls to both ease the burden of my fellow board members while gaining much needed experience that is applicable to the real world.

There are many separate affairs going on through week and next week that I will be updating on:
Spring Kallah promotion calls
Spring Kallah programming
NFTY Internal Structure Committee work
Southwest Election Responsibilities

Even though I continue to pursue my work on the North American level through NISC, my main focus is promoting Spring Kallah and making the event as exciting and engaging as my contributions will allow! Stay tuned for more.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you are able to develop such useful leadership and planning skills while participating in something you are so passionate about. I can't wait to hear more about your plans for Spring Kallah!
