Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week 3: National Elections

North American Board elections took place after Asefah, Thursday night. Prior to elections, all of the candidates Letter's of Intent and speeches are made available to the public on NFTY's website so elections can be conducted in a timely manner.

The 18 regional boards were split up into multiple rooms for a Meet the Candidates session where each NAB candidate had five minutes to present themselves and answer questions.  With 12 candidates running for six positions, this process took slightly over an hour. Afterwards, individual regional boards caucused to determine how they would cast their four votes (each region has four votes, cast by the four highest ranking members in gavel order).  

North American Board Candidates Huddling Together Before the Voting Process

A half hour was put aside for caucusing time where we would go over candidate information, discuss how each individual presented themselves and their platforms, and determine who earned our votes to serve on the North American Board for the coming year. After this intense process, everyone would gather back in the large conference room.  Position by position, starting with President and working downward, the top four delegates from each region, along with each current member of NAB would cast a vote. The individual vote was not always a personal vote, but instead reflected the region the delegate was representing. 

Finally, by 11pm after seven hours, Asefah and NAB elections were over and the six new youth representatives of the North American Federation of Temple Youth had been chosen.  Congratulations again to Zachary Hermann, Max Zucker, Adam Friedman, Eliza Lieberman, William Saltzburg, and Asher Suloway-Baker.

Interestesting note: Four of the six members of the new NAB board are from West-Coast regions. There were zero last year, and only one the year before.


  1. Was this the same process you underwent last year when you were elected VP?
    Interesting to read about how the NAB selects new members to its board and how the system actually implements caucusing into the whole process. The whole concept is pretty complex.

  2. While I did not undergo the election process that NAB candidates had to endure, I did have to go through elections on the regional level which I will be addressing as well down the road! Unlike on the national level where each region caucuses with a republican voting style (representatives), the Southwest region votes purely democratic in elections, similar to how voting was conducted in Ancient Greece.
